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honey pot Chaves, Serra do Brunheiro, Portugal, 438.4, CQ0DBO Repeater

Serra do Brunheiro - CQ0DBO

Chaves, Portugal
Repeater ID: PT-7740

Downlink: 438.400000
Uplink: 430.800000
Offset: -7.6 MHz
DMR Enabled
Color Code: 1
DMR ID: 268102
IPSC Network: BM - Color Code: 1 - TS Linked: TS1 TS2 - Trustee: radio id dot net antenna logo CT1JIB
Repetidor situado na Serra do Brunheiro a 920 mt altitude, tem como prioridade as comunicações urbanas na cidade de Chaves. Sendo a sua localização excelente para a urbe, possibilita ainda, comunicações em todo o vale Flaviense , sendo um verdadeiro repetidor Galaico/Português,com a cobertura da cidade de Verin/Galiza( Espanha) a cerca de 30 km de Chaves e parte do Vale de Monterrey ( Galiza). Este repetidor está integrado no projecto Euro/Cidade - Chaves/Verin. Repetidor propriedade da A.R.A.T.- Associação Radioamadores Alto Tâmega. *____________* Repeater located in Serra do Brunheiro at 920m of altitude, which has as priority the urban communications in the city of Chaves. In addition to its excellent location towards the city, it also enables communications to the entire Chaves valley, being too a true Galician/Portuguese repeater, with the coverage of the city of Verin/Spain about 30 km from Chaves. This repeater is part of the Eurocity Chaves/Verin project. This repeater is owned by A.R.A.T. - Associação de Radioamadores do Alto Tâmega.
Both Slots Linked
*Information courtesy of and the BrandMeister Network. Repeater trustees can directly update this data through their respective websites.
IPSC: BrandMeister
Call: CQ0DBO
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Sponsor: ARAT
Last updated: 2020-03-27
Last reviewed:

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Call Date Information
CT1DQV (registered) 2020-03-24 Removed D-Star.
CT1DQV (registered) 2020-03-15 Added DMR.
CT1DQV (registered) 2016-02-16 Reported on-air.
CS7AGH 2015-06-18 Added call sign.
CS7AGH 2015-04-28 Added.

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