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honey pot Olathe, N ridgeview Rd and 127th, Kansas, 462.550, WRAX210 Repeater

N ridgeview Rd and 127th - WRAX210

Olathe, KS

GMRS Repeater ID: 20-135

Downlink: 462.550
Uplink: 467.550
Uplink Tone: LOG IN TO VIEW
County: Johnson
Owner: WRAX210
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: There is about a 30 miles in in different directions. some directions you might get different. must have a GMRS call sign. I am working on getting a new antenna but its on my back up antenna right now. the back up antenna is only 40 feet in the air working on getting a new antenna and moving it up to the 59 foot mark or just moving this back up antenna to the spot instead. I will be changing out the coax out also soon as i am able to also. any questions shoot me a email. i have had reports of locations around town when it was on the backup antenna and so far it is better than the old antenna that i had up there at the 59 foot mark. HT's- not very good in our area due to locations mobiles- over 40 watts or more have had good reports.
Notes: if you have any questions please reach out to me at [email protected]

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