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honey pot Polk City, Florida, 462.625, WRCU356 Repeater

Polk City, FL


GMRS Repeater ID: 12-354

Downlink: 462.625
Uplink: 467.625
Uplink Tone: LOG IN TO VIEW
Downlink Tone: LOG IN TO VIEW
Travel Tone: YES
County: Polk
Owner: WRCU356
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Notes: Repetidor de baja potencia (10 watts), con una antena Trams 1480 de 8 dBd de ganancia a una elevacion sobre el terreno de 20 pies en un poste, operando con energia solar en el pueblo de "Polk City" . Tendra el tono de viage activado ( 141.3 Hz ) para operaciones y comunicaciones de emergencia, de surgir alguna por favor son prioridad las agencia de Bomberos, Recate , Emergencias Medicas y cualquier agencia del Orden Publico. Completamente latino y familiar de uso privado. Gracias, Hector Santiago, WRCU-356 Low power repeater (10 watts), with a Trams 1480 antenna of 8 dBd gain at an elevation above the ground of 20 feet on a pole, operating with solar energy in the town of "Polk City". It will have the travel tone activated (141.3 Hz) for operations and emergency communications, if any arise, please give priority to the Fire, Rescue, Medical Emergencies and any Public Order agencies. Completely Latino and family for private use. Thanks, Hector Santiago, WRCU-3565

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