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honey pot Weatherford, Near Pythian Home, Texas, 462.700, WRJW846 Repeater

Near Pythian Home - WRJW846

Weatherford, TX

GMRS Repeater ID: 48-582

Downlink: 462.700
Uplink: 467.700
Uplink Tone: LOG IN TO VIEW
Downlink Tone: LOG IN TO VIEW
Travel Tone: YES
County: Parker
Owner: WRJW846
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: Desktop repeater with Diamond X50A antenna 17ft base.
10 mi radius.
Notes: Weatherford 700 repeater is setup for family and neighborhood emergency use; the purpose is hyper-local family neighbor emergency comms with limited chat. Before use please request permission and abide by GMRS rules. Any authorized use is secondary to owner family use and must yield to priority traffic for owner or any other emergency. No local business traffic is tolerated. Incidental traveler use for brief periods (passing thru) is allowed without permission; only owner determines valid use and no other user may discourage users. This is a desktop repeater with a Diamond X50A antenna at 17ft elevation (home roofline) and has limited reach beyond the east side of Weatherford. Any issues should be reported to [email protected].

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