Your help is needed!: ... To keep Repeaterbook a resourceful tool, we need your help to verify which repeaters are "off the air" or "on the air" or if they are "no longer and can be archived". The more information provided the better! If you have contact with a repeater trustee, please ask them to consider "adding" or "updating" their repeater listing and so they can be added as the repeater custodian. We look to have all listings updated at least once per year and anytime something changes. Listings may be marked as unknown if they are not updated or verified and may eventually be archived which will not show the listing anymore. 73 for now. Any questions, please send an email to [email protected] - KB3AWQ - PA Admin ... Home Page
honey pot Claim Repeater

Claim Repeater: Add as Repeater Record Custodian (RRC)

Read our Wiki article about what Repeater Record Custodian (RRC) access is: Repeater Record Custodian (RRC)

By sending this form, you will be requesting RRC access to the selected repeater.

You must be the owner of this repeater, be the trustee of this repeater, or have permission from the owner or trustee of this repeater to become a RRC. If the repeater is a club repeater, all club officers are assumed to have permission. Any attempt to disregard these requirements will be considered a hack and will violate the terms and service of This will resuult in suspension of your account and being banned from the site. Please do not request access if you do not meet the requirements!

Callsign: Your call sign (should be autofilled).
Email: Your email (should be autofilled).
Certification: Explain your relationship to the repeater and qualification to be a Repeater Record Custodian.

If you have an iPhone/iPod/iPad or Android device, please download the official RepeaterBook app!

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Copyright © 2006-2025 All Rights Reserved.
Created and owned by Garrett Dow, KD6KPC/WREQ745 since 2006.
All data, including non-copyrightable data, is protected from theft under Oregon law (ORS 164.377).