Downlink: | 438.925000 |
Uplink: | 431.325000 |
Offset: | -7.6 MHz |
Uplink Tone: | 88.5 |
Downlink Tone: | 88.5 |
DMR Enabled | |
Color Code: | 1 |
230201 IPSC Network: BM - Color Code: 1 - TS Linked: Mixed Mode - Trustee: OK1ZJV Time Slot # 2 - 2300 = Czech Crossconect Time Slot # 2 - 230201 = LOCAL Time Slot # 2 - 230803 = ? Na upati Kravi hory nad obci Dobra Voda. DMR+DStar+C4FM. Both Slots Linked Last seen: 2025-01-18 00:36:19 Information courtesy of and the BrandMeister Network. Repeater trustees can directly update this data through their respective websites. |
IPSC: | BrandMeister |
Locator: | JN78gx |
Call: | OK0BDV |
Use: | OPEN |
Op Status: | On-Air |
Coverage: |
Jizni Cechy, Vysocina, Stredni Cechy |
Sponsor: | OK4PZ, OK1ZJV |
Affiliate: | OK1KWV, OK1OCB |
Features: |
Linked to OK0BLI |
FM: | Yes; analog capable. |
Analog Bandwidth: | |
EchoLink: | 343498 OK0BDV-R |
ON - IDLE | |
Last updated: 2020-07-02 | |
Last reviewed:
2020-07-02 |
Exact coordinates of the repeater are known.
Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies or terrain.
- Base | - HT | - Mobile |
Click the icons on map for details. |