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honey pot Mie, Omericho Kumano City, Japan, 439.72, JR2WH Repeater

Omericho Kumano City - JR2WH

Mie, Japan
Repeater ID: JP-9773

Downlink: 439.720000
Uplink: 434.720000
Offset: -5.0 MHz
Uplink Tone: 88.5
Locator: PM83AA
Call: JR2WH
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth:
Last updated: 2017-08-09
Last reviewed:

Open Street Map

Exact coordinates of the repeater are known.
Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies or terrain.

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Call Date Information
JP3REM (registered) 2017-08-09 fix offset, lat/long
JP3REM (registered) 2017-06-02 Added.

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