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Add a Repeater

We often receive emails asking, “How do I add a repeater?”

Adding a repeater requires a RepeaterBook.com account and you must be logged in. Links are located on many pages around the site.

The quickest way to add a repeater is to locate the blue Add Repeater button at the top of the Quick Search page for the state (or country outside of North America) you are wanting to add the repeater to.

Fill in the form fields with the best information you have. Once the form is submitted, the module will check for any repeaters currently in the database that may match the information you entered. You will be alerted to any potential matches. If there is a match, you will have the opportunity to delete your request or to review the duplicate repeater and request any necessary edits. If no repeaters match, your entry will be submitted to an admin for review.

Admins must review all requests to add a repeater before they become live in the database. This allows the admin to check formatting, conduct verifications, and check for duplicates. You will receive an email when the admin has acted on your request, usually within a couple of days.

When the admin accepts your entry, you will be notified via email and given a link to the new listing. You are encouraged to review the listing to make sure data is correct.

If the admin rejects your entry, you will be notified and given a reason so that you can correct any problems and/or communicate with the admin handling your request.

Once the entry is approved, it is immediately live on the online database. It does not propagate immediately to the app, however. It could take up to two weeks for the app to update via the app store or Google Play.

You can read more information about the Repeaterbook app here.

add_a_repeater.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/27 14:11 (external edit)