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Manitoba Amateur Radio Repeaters

Manitoba Amateur Radio Repeaters

27 repeaters found in Manitoba.

= On-Air      = Off-Air      = Testing/Reduced      = Unknown

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Access Location Call Use Modes
442.5750 + D432 / D432 St Pierre-Jolys, Broadcast Tower VE4MER OPEN FM ON-AIR
443.0250 + 127.3 / 127.3 Winnipeg VE4PAR OPEN FM Fusion WIRES-X ON-AIR
443.2750 + Winnipeg, University of Manitoba VE4UMR OPEN DSTAR ON-AIR
443.4000 + Swan River VE4SRR CLOSED FM ON-AIR
443.5000 + 127.3 / 127.3 Winnipeg, Richardson Building VE4VJ OPEN FM AllStar OFF-AIR
443.5000 + 127.3 / 88.5 Winnipeg, 101 Marion Street VA4STB OPEN FM AllStar ON-AIR
443.6000 + 127.3 / 127.3 Winnipeg, Filcasa Housing VA4FIL OPEN FM EchoLink IRLP ON-AIR
443.6750 + CC4 Winnipeg, Downtown VE4DMR OPEN DMR ON-AIR
443.7000 + CC4 Brandon, Princess Towers VE4CTY OPEN DMR ON-AIR
443.7250 + CC4 Selkirk, Downtown VE4DMS OPEN DMR ON-AIR
443.7750 + CC4 Dauphin, Downtown VE4CCR OPEN DMR ON-AIR
443.8750 + 127.3 / 127.3 Winnipeg, Downtown VE4ARC OPEN FM Fusion OFF-AIR
444.0000 + D432 / D432 Winnipeg, Downtown VE4ZFG OPEN FM OFF-AIR
444.1000 + Winnipeg VA4ART OPEN Fusion ON-AIR
444.1500 + CC1 127.3 / 127.3 East Selkirk, MB Hydro Selkirk Generating Station VE4SLK OPEN FM DMR ON-AIR
444.2750 + Austin, Manitoba Agricultural Museum VE4MTR OPEN FM ON-AIR
444.3250 + 127.3 / 127.3 Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Tiger Hills VE4HJ OPEN FM ON-AIR
444.4375 + CC4 Falcon Lake, Tower VA4DMR OPEN DMR ON-AIR
444.5000 + 127.3 / 127.3 Headingley VE4AGA OPEN FM ON-AIR
444.5000 + 123.0 / 123.0 Killarney, Water Tower VE4KIL OPEN FM AllStar ON-AIR
444.5750 + Winnipeg, Downtown VE4WDR OPEN DSTAR ON-AIR
444.6500 + CC4 Steinbach, Tower VE4UHF OPEN DMR ON-AIR
444.7250 + 127.3 / 127.3 Steinbach, SCU VE4SCU OPEN FM Fusion ON-AIR
444.7500 + Winnipeg VA4UHF OPEN FM EchoLink ON-AIR
444.8000 + CC4 Portage La Prairie, Downtown VE4DMP OPEN DMR ON-AIR
444.9750 + NAC CDC D664 / D664 Winnipeg, Richardson Building VE4KEY OPEN FM P-25 ON-AIR
448.4000 - Baldy Mountain VE4BMR CLOSED FM ON-AIR

The Repeaterbook administrator(s) for Manitoba: VE4RRB

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