Help keep Repeaterbook a resourceful tool: ... To keep Repeaterbook a resourceful tool, we need your help to verify which repeaters are "off the air" or "on the air" or if they are "no longer and can be archived". The more information provided the better! If you have contact with a repeater trustee, please ask them to consider "adding" or "updating" their repeater listing and so they can be added as the repeater custodian. We look to have all listings updated at least once per year and anytime something changes. Listings will be marked as unknown if they are not updated or verified and may eventually be archived which will not show the listing anymore. 73 for now. Any questions, please send an email to [email protected] - KB3AWQ - PA admin'' ... Home Page

honey pot Union City, Pennsylvania, 441.9, WA3UC Repeater

Union City, PA

Repeater ID: 42-16735

Downlink: 441.90000
Uplink: 446.90000
Offset: +5.000 MHz
DMR Enabled
Color Code: 1
DMR ID: 311030
IPSC Network: BrandMeister - Color Code: 1 - TS Linked: 2 - Trustee: radio id dot net antenna logo N3KGD
Motorola MTR2000 with a Pi Star V3
Both Slots Linked
*Information courtesy of and the BrandMeister Network. Repeater trustees can directly update this data through their respective websites.
IPSC: BrandMeister US
County: Erie
Call: WA3UC
Op Status: Testing/Reduced Testing
Coverage: Wide area: Erie County PA, Crawford County PA, Chautaqua County NY
Wide area coverage.
50 mi radius.
Sponsor: Union City Wireless Assn.
Affiliate: Erie County
Features: Emergency power.
E-power equipped.
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth: 25.0 kHz
EchoLink: 441979 WA3UC-L
Node Offline
Notes: repairs in progress New MTR2000 repeater with STM32 DMR ONLY, NO FM WA3UC must first obtain a account before being added as a custodian. Please ask the WA3UC to register for an account.
Coordination: WPRC

Open Street Map

Coordinates of the repeater are not known and have been estimated.

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- Base - HT - Mobile
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Call Date Information
N3APP (registered) 2020-09-17 Added input frequency, removed analog FM, updated coverage, capabilities, notes, and web site.
N3APP (registered) 2020-08-12 Increased range and added contact information.

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Created and owned by KD6KPC/WREQ745 since 2006.
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