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honey pot Macon, Georgia, 224.16, K4GWM Repeater

Macon, GA

Repeater ID: 13-20515 registered user

Downlink: 224.16000
Uplink: 222.56000
Offset: -1.600 MHz
Uplink Tone: 131.8
County: Bibb
Grid: EM82dr
Call: K4GWM
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: Wide Area Coverage.
Wide area coverage.
21 mi radius.
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth: 25.0 kHz
Notes: SERA Listing (as of 04 July 2023): K4GWM 224.1600 -1.6 MHz 131.8 Wideband FM Macon Bibb.

RB: Current Repeater Record Custodian (RRC) for K4GWM 224.16000 Macon repeater (13-20515): K4GWM.
Coordination: SERA

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Coordinates of the repeater are not known and have been estimated.

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Call Date Information
K4GWM (registered) 2021-12-11 K4GWM has requested the following changes: The requester wants you to know: "I don't see a place to show Coordination. Can Coordination: SERA be added to my site please. It was coordinated by SERA by David Benoist." CONFIRMED VIA SERA ONLINE DATABASE AND ADDED TO RB LISTING.
K4GWM (registered) 2021-12-08 K4GWM has requested the following changes: The requester wants you to know: County needs updating to BIBB county and the coverage should be 21 miles NOT 2.
K4GWM (registered) 2021-12-07 K4GWM has requested the following changes: The county changed to Bibb.
K4GWM (registered) 2021-12-06 Added.

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Created and owned by KD6KPC/WREQ745 since 2006.
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