(1 of 2) At 816 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Lodgepole, or 13 miles south of Hettinger, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... Lodgepole, White Butte, Shadehill Reservoir and Shadehill. (2 of 2) At 815 PM MDT/915 PM CDT/, a severe thunderstorm was located 9 miles east of Belvidere, or 20 miles west of Murdo, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and penny size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Expect damage to roofs, siding, and trees. This severe thunderstorm will remain over mainly rural areas of northwestern Mellette and eastern Jackson Counties. This includes Interstate 90 in South Dakota between Mile Markers 165 and 174.
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honey pot Reliance, South Dakota, 146.94, N0NPO Repeater

Reliance, SD

Repeater ID: 46-5

Downlink: 146.94000
Uplink: 146.34000
Offset: -0.600 MHz
Uplink Tone: 146.2
County: Lyman
Call: N0NPO
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: 50 mi radius.
Sponsor: SDARC
Affiliate: W0RTD
Features: E-power equipped.
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth:
Links: Full-time to the SDLINK System.
Notes: Linked to other SDARC repeaters across the state along interstates I-29 and I-90. The 10 largest towns in South Dakota are covered by the SD Link.
Nets: SD Link: Wed at 21:00CT/20:00 MT.

Open Street Map

Coordinates of the repeater are not known and have been estimated.

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Call Date Details
KC0USQ (registered) 2023-09-13 Propagation Report Added
KC0USQ (registered) 2023-09-13 Reported no changes
KE0WPC (registered) 2022-10-12 Reported on-air.

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