(1 of 3) At 1100 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 14 miles northeast of Watford City to near Grassy Butte, moving east at 40 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and ping pong ball size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Watford City, Killdeer, Alexander, Arnegard, Mandaree, Theodore Roosevelt National Park North Unit, Grassy Butte, Keene, Rawson, Little Missouri State Park, Oakdale, and Johnsons Corner. (2 of 3) At 1046 PM CDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line extending from 8 miles west of Crosby to near Tioga to 13 miles northeast of Watford City, moving east at 50 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. Locations impacted include... Crosby, Tioga, Ray, Powers Lake, Lignite, Columbus, Noonan, Wildrose, Epping, Ross, Battleview, Alamo, Lostwood, Fortuna, Four Bears Village, 4 Bears Lodge, White Earth, Wheelock, Hamlet, and Ambrose. (3 of 3) ...The National Weather Service in Bismarck ND continues the Flood Warning for the Missouri River near Williston affecting McKenzie and Williams Counties in North Dakota... * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring. * WHERE...Missouri River near Williston. * WHEN...Until Monday evening. * IMPACTS...At 20.0 feet, Ditches in the vicinity of the river will fill and wildlife management lands along the south banks will begin to flood. At 22.0 feet, Low-lying farmland and access roads to oil well sites near Trenton are flooded. City of Williston does not flood. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 8:00 AM CDT Saturday /7:00 AM MDT Saturday/ the stage was 22.4 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 22.5 feet this afternoon. It will then fall below flood stage Monday morning. - Flood stage is 22.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 21.5 feet on 06/16/2013.
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honey pot Fargo, North Dakota, 443.9, KK0TT Repeater

Fargo, ND

Repeater ID: 38-6657

Downlink: 443.90000
Uplink: 448.90000
Offset: +5.000 MHz
Uplink Tone: 100.0
County: Cass
Call: KK0TT
On-air: Unknown status Unknown
FM: Yes; analog capable.
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KZ4BO (registered) 2024-04-04 Calling changed. Status changed to unknown

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