(1 of 3) At 949 PM CDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 6 miles south of Cedar Butte, or 12 miles southwest of White River, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect considerable tree damage. Wind damage is also likely to mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings. This severe storm will be near... White River, Horse Creek, and Swift Bear around 955 PM CDT. (2 of 3) SVRUNR The National Weather Service in Rapid City has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northeastern Perkins County in northwestern South Dakota... * Until 930 PM MDT. * At 848 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 5 miles northwest of Shadehill Reservoir, or 11 miles southwest of Lemmon, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Lemmon, Shadehill, and Shadehill Reservoir around 855 PM MDT. (3 of 3) At 844 PM MDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 7 miles northwest of Shadehill Reservoir, or 14 miles southwest of Lemmon, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... White Butte, Shadehill, and Shadehill Reservoir.
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honey pot Turkey Ridge, South Dakota, 444.975, W0SD Repeater

Turkey Ridge, SD

Repeater ID: 46-7114

Downlink: 444.97500
Uplink: 449.97500
Offset: +5.000 MHz
Uplink Tone: 146.2
County: Turner
Grid: EN13HG50
Call: W0SD
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: Wide area. Solid from 30 miles north of Norfolk Nebraska on a mobile.
Wide area coverage.
55 mi radius.
Sponsor: SDARC
Affiliate: Vantek Communications
Features: E-power equipped.
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth:
Links: Full-time to the SDLINK System.
Notes: Linked to other SDARC repeaters across the state along interstates I-29 and I-90. The 10 largest towns in South Dakota are covered by the SD Link.
Nets: SD Link: Wed at 21:00 CT/20:00 MT.

Open Street Map

Exact coordinates of the repeater are known.
Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies or terrain.

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Call Date Information
KC0MVF (registered) 2012-07-17 Added exact coordinates for repeater location.
W0SD 2012-06-17 Changed affiliate and coverage radius
KC0CCB (registered) 2012-06-03 Added.

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