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honey pot Bogart, Georgia, 147, K4HQV Repeater

Bogart, GA

Repeater ID: 13-73 registered user

Downlink: 147.00000
Uplink: 147.60000
Offset: +0.600 MHz
Uplink Tone: 85.4
Downlink Tone: 85.4
DMR Enabled
Color Code: 13
DMR ID: 312764
IPSC Network: BM - Color Code: 0 - TS Linked: Mixed Mode - Trustee: radio id dot net antenna logo W4EEE
Time Slot # 1 - 312764 = LOCAL
Both Slots Linked
*Information courtesy of and the BrandMeister Network. Repeater trustees can directly update this data through their respective websites.
IPSC: BrandMeister
P-25 Digital Enabled
NAC: $
Default Reflector:
YSF Digital Enabled
DG-ID: 00 - Open
County: Oconee
Call: K4HQV
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: Wide Area Coverage: GA-316 between Lawrenceville, GA and Athens, GA (east and west) extending out as far as I-20 and I-85 (north and south).
Wide area coverage.
40 mi radius.
HAAT: 164 feet
Pattern: Omnidirectional
Affiliate: Oconee County ARES
Features: This repeater is an MMDVM Multi-mode repeater supporting C4FM/Fusion (YSF), DMR (BrandMiester), P25, and FM Analog Voice.
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth: 25.0 kHz
Commands: Please enable "tone squelch" (T-SQL) if you wish to NOT hear digital traffic. More information at:
Notes: SERA Listing (as of 19 October 2023): K4HQV 147.0000 +0.6 MHz 85.4 System Fusion Mixed Mode Bogart Oconee.

RB: Current Repeater Record Custodians (RRCs) for W4EEE 147.00000 Bogart repeater (13-73): K4HQV; KZ4FOX.

Per KZ4FOX (RRC): as of 15 July 2023, this repeater is back ON-AIR with full power, and all digital services restored.
Coordination: SERA

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Coordinates of the repeater are not known and have been estimated.

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Call Date Details
KZ4FOX (registered) 2024-03-24 Digital / MMDVM access is offline due to intermittent receive issues. Will report back when problems have been resolved.
KZ4FOX (registered) 2023-07-15 KZ4FOX has requested the following changes: Operational status changed to On-Air. Features changed. P25 added. P25 NAC removed. Commands changed. Notes changed. The requester wants you to know: "Full power and all digital services restored."
KZ4FOX (registered) 2023-07-04 Reported on-air.
KZ4FOX (registered) 2023-07-04 KZ4FOX has requested the following changes: Operational status changed to Off-Air. Features changed. Commands changed to . Notes changed. The requester wants you to know: "Repeater is back on the air with a backup unit. Analog only."
KZ4FOX (registered) 2023-06-28 Reported off-air.
KZ4FOX (registered) 2023-06-28 KZ4FOX has requested the following changes: Notes changed. The requester wants you to know: Offline due to lightning strike. RB Notes updated: SERA Listing (as of 28 June 2023): K4HQV 147.0000 +0.6 MHz 85.4 System Fusion Mixed Mode Bogart Oconee.

RB: Current Repeater Record Custodians (RRCs) for W4EEE 147.00000 Bogart repeater (13-73): K4HQV; KZ4FOX.

Per KZ4FOX (RRC): as of 28 June 2023, this repeater is OFF-AIR due to a recent lightning strike. Return to ON-AIR date is UNKNOWN as of this notice.
KZ4FOX (registered) 2022-09-14 KZ4FOX has requested the following changes: DMR Color Code changed to 13. The requester wants you to know: "Okay I see the problem. I will put it back to the original and talk w/K4HQV to make sure he has the SERA listing correct. But the CC (Color Code) does need to be updated. Thanks."
KZ4FOX (registered) 2022-09-11 KZ4FOX has requested the following changes: TSQ changed to 85.4. Features changed. ARES removed. RACES removed. P25 added. P25 NAC removed. Coverage added. Notes changed. Web site changed to The requester wants you to know: "There will be a lot to this update as it was converted it a mix-mode system w/MMDVM."

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