(1 of 2) ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in California... Sacramento River At Ord Ferry affecting Glenn and Butte Counties. Sacramento River At Tehama Bridge affecting Tehama County. For the Upper Sacramento River...including Tehama Bridge, Ord Ferry...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sacramento River at Ord Ferry. * WHEN...Until tomorrow afternoon. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1:45 PM PST Thursday the stage was 114.8 feet. - Bankfull stage is 114.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 1:45 PM PST Thursday was 115.4 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 116.1 feet late this afternoon. It will then fall below flood stage late tomorrow morning. - Flood stage is 114.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 116.3 feet on 04/13/2006. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood (2 of 2) ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in California... Sacramento River At Ord Ferry affecting Glenn and Butte Counties. Sacramento River At Tehama Bridge affecting Tehama County. For the Upper Sacramento River...including Tehama Bridge, Ord Ferry...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Sacramento River at Tehama Bridge. * WHEN...Until further notice. * IMPACTS...At 210.7 feet, Between 210 and 211 feet the county park becomes inaccessible. At 211 feet water begins to enter Driftwood RV fishing resort on east bank of river and just north of the county park. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 1:00 PM PST Thursday the stage was 205.1 feet. - Bankfull stage is 206.5 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late tonight and continue rising to a crest of 211.6 feet early tomorrow afternoon. - Flood stage is 209.5 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 211.6 feet on 04/07/2018. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood
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honey pot Pacifica, California, 441.725, K6HN Repeater

Pacifica, CA

Repeater ID: 06-2579

Downlink: 441.72500
Uplink: 446.72500
Offset: +5.000 MHz
County: San Mateo
Call: K6HN
On-air: Unknown status Unknown
Sponsor: K6HN
Features: Linked.
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth: 25.0 kHz (wideband)
Coordination: NARCC
Last updated: 0000-00-00
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