Downlink: | 442.08750 |
Uplink: | 447.08750 |
Offset: | +5.000 MHz |
NXDN Enabled | |
RAN: | 1 |
NXDN Bandwidth: | |
County: | Hillsborough |
Grid: | EL87uu |
Call: | NI4CE |
Use: | OPEN |
Op Status: | On-Air |
Coverage: |
Wide area. Wide area coverage. |
Sponsor: | West Central Florida Group, Inc. |
Features: | Emergency power equipped. |
Links: | |
Notes: | Operators using Talkgroup 1200 will be able access all four NI4CE repeaters simultaneously. Operators using Talkgroup 65000 will have access to the NXDN-Worldwide Network. Operators using Talk Group 9000 World Wide Network reliably joins ICom and Kenwood |
Coordination: | FASMA |
Last updated: 2023-01-27 | |
Last reviewed: 2023-01-27 |
Exact coordinates of the repeater are known.
Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies or terrain.
- Base | - HT | - Mobile |
Click the icons on map for details. |