(1 of 2) ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Virginia... Nottoway River Near Stony Creek affecting Greensville and Sussex Counties. For the Chowan Basin...including Stony Creek, Sebrell...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Nottoway River near Stony Creek. * WHEN...Until early tomorrow afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 15.0 feet, Minor flooding of lowlands begins in vicinity of the gage and downstream along VA Route 40. At 16.0 feet, Lowlands between the town of Stony Creek and VA Route 640, along both sides of VA Route 40, are flooded. Also, flood waters from the Nottoway River back up into Stony Creek and flood Main Street between Hailfax Road and Cedar Road. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 10:30 AM EDT Thursday the stage was 15.8 feet. - Bankfull stage is 15.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 10:30 AM EDT Thursday was 15.8 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise to a crest of 15.8 feet this afternoon. It will then fall below flood stage tomorrow morning. - Flood stage is 15.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 15.8 feet on 10/10/2016. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood (2 of 2) ...The National Weather Service in Wakefield VA has issued a Flood Warning for the following rivers in Virginia... Appomattox River At Mattoax affecting Powhatan, Amelia and Chesterfield Counties. For the Appomattox Basin...including Mattoax...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Appomattox River at Mattoax. * WHEN...From Friday morning to late Saturday morning. * IMPACTS...At 21.0 feet, Agricultural and pasture land flooded. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 10:30 AM EDT Thursday the stage was 17.6 feet. - Bankfull stage is 19.0 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to rise above flood stage late tomorrow morning to a crest of 21.7 feet tomorrow evening. It will then fall below flood stage early Saturday morning. - Flood stage is 21.0 feet. - Flood History...This crest compares to a previous crest of 21.7 feet on 11/24/1952. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood
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honey pot Basye, Great North Mountain, Virginia, 147.315, K4MRA Repeater

Great North Mountain - K4MRA

Basye, VA
Repeater ID: 51-48

Downlink: 147.31500
Uplink: 147.91500
Offset: +0.600 MHz
Uplink Tone: 131.8
Downlink Tone: 131.8
YSF Digital Enabled
DG-ID: 00 - Open
County: Shenandoah
Call: K4MRA
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: City of Harrisonburg, Western Rockingham and Shenandoah Counties, Interstate 81 corridor bound by Harrisonburg on the south and Strasburg on the north
Sponsor: Massanutten Amateur Radio Association
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth:
Notes: Local Coverage. Backup repeater for ARES.
Coordination: T-MARC

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