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honey pot Sudbury, Frood Hotel, Ontario, 444.85, VE3GOB Repeater

Frood Hotel - VE3GOB

Sudbury, ON
Repeater ID: CA08-14326 registered user

Downlink: 444.85000
Uplink: 449.85000
Offset: +5.000 MHz
Uplink Tone: 123.0
Downlink Tone: 123.0
Grid: EN96LM
Call: VE3GOB
Op Status: OFF-AIR Off-Air
Coverage: City-Wide
Wide area coverage.
Sponsor: VE3GOB
Affiliate: Canadian Ham and SARC
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth: 25.0 kHz
AllStar: 43390
Commands: TBD, See website
Notes: Remote base RF operation to some "long - haul" VHF stations. Echolink and Allstar coming very soon.
Nets: No Nets yet, Email me if you would like to host or bring in a scheduled net.

Open Street Map

Exact coordinates of the repeater are known.
Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies or terrain.

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Call Date Information
VE3GOB (registered) 2019-08-18 Notes changed from to Remote base RF operation to some "long - haul" VHF stations. Echolink and Allstar coming very soon.. Nets changed from No Nets, Email me if you would like Nets. to No Nets yet, Email me if you would like to host or bring in a schedued net.
VE3WVJ (registered) 2019-07-27 Notes changed from to Remote base RF operation to long - haul VHF stations, as well as ECHOLINK, Allstar coming very soon.. Email updated to . Coordinator changed.
VE3GOB (registered) 2019-07-27 Notes changed from to Remote base RF operation to long-haul VHF stations, as well as ECHOLINK, Allstar coming very soon.. Email updated to [email protected] .
VE3GOB (registered) 2019-07-24 Offset changed from x to +. Commands changed from to TBD, see website.. Notes changed from to Remote base RF operation to long-haul VHF stations, as well as Echolink, and Allstar coming very soon.. Web site changed from to Nets changed from No Nets, Email me if you would like Nets. to If you want.. Coordinator changed.
VE3GOB (registered) 2019-07-23 Input Frequency changed. Nets & Notes info updated. Radius changed.
VE3GOB (registered) 2019-05-11 1 Notes changed from to Pi_star hotspot. Open to the public if you can reach it. DSTAR and YSF. 10mw Outdoor antenna. May be 12 watts by the time you read this..
VE3GOB (registered) 2019-05-10 Output frequency changed from 444.85000 to 449.85000. Offset changed from + to x. Landmark changed to Frood Hotel. Coordinates changed to a latitude of 46.30.08 and a longitude of -81.00.30. Operational status changed from Unknown to On-Air. Affiliate changed from to D-star node changed from to 1. D-star type changed from to Hot Spot 24/7. Notes changed from to Pi_star hotspot. Open to the pulic if you can reach it. DSTAR and YSF. 10mw Outdoor antenna. Nets changed from to Mon and Friday Dstar nets and 8pm and 9pm.
VE3GOB (registered) 2018-12-31 PL changed from 100.0 to 123.0. TSQ changed from 100.0 to 123.0. Operational status changed from Off-Air to Unknown. Sponsor added. Features changed from Permanent recurring link to *VE3GOB* conference. to . Notes changed from to Waiting on parts..
VE3GOB (registered) 2018-01-20 Op status changed, Affiliate changed from Northen Ontario Linking Project to Features & Web site changed.
VE3GOB (registered) 2017-03-07 Status changed, Features, Commands, Notes & Web URL added. Nets info removed.
VE3GOB (registered) 2016-12-09 frequency & Input changed, Landmark, Nets, updated
VE3GOB (registered) 2016-11-27 Commands, Nets, E-mail, Coverage, Features, Frequency and Tone updated.
VE3GOB (registered) 2016-02-07 Added.

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