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Canada Band Plans

This article gathers all information regarding band plans in Canada. This band plan only covers bands that have repeaters operating on them, from 10-meters and up.

Repeaterbook does not conduct any enforcement of the band plans and does not refuse to document stations that are outside of the coordination guidelines or band plan. A repeater listing on Repeaterbook does not, in any way, endorse a particular repeater or establish the legality of the repeater's operation.

This band plan is provided as a courtesy to users and is used as a template to help administrators and users determine the correlated input frequency of a repeater channel.

Radio Amateur Canada (RAC)

The Canadian band plans are established by Radio Amateur Canada (RAC). The list below is abbreviated. Please consult RAC materials for a complete band plan.

6 Meters (50 MHz - 54 MHz)

50.000 - 50.600Narrow band modes
50.000 - 50.050CW / beacons / moon bounce
50.050 - 50.1CW / beacons
50.100CW calling frequency
50.100-50.600SSB and AM modes(bandwidth ⇐ 2.3 kHz)
50.105 - 50.115DX window (listen for DX here)
50.110DX window calling frequency
50.125National SSB calling frequency
50.400AM calling freuquency
50.600 - 51.000Eexperimental modes
50.700RTTY, AMTOR calling frequency
50.800 - 50.980Radio control of models
51.000 - 51.100Pacific (ZL) DX window (SSB/CW only)
51.100 - 52.000FM voice simplex, and packet
51.700National simplex packet calling
52.000 - 52.05Pacific(VK) DX window (SSB/CW only)
52.525national FM calling frequency
52.000 - 53.000FM voice repeater inputs
53.000 - 54.000FM voice repeater outputs

Repeaters have an offset of -1.0 MHz.

2 Meters (144 MHz - 148 MHz)

2 Meter Band Plan

144.000 - 144.100Moon bounce and terrestrial CW
144.100CW calling
144.100 - 144.200CW/SSB weak signal
144.200 - 144.275AM narrowband (< 3 kHz exclusice SSB (ACSSB, SSB, CW, TY ) calling
144.275 - 144.300Propagation beacon network
144.300 - 144.500Digital
144.340National ATV coordination
144.390National APRS
144.500 - 144.600Repeater inputs
144.600 - 144.900Repeater inputs
144.900 - 145.100Digital
145.100 - 145.200Repeater outputs
145.200 - 145.500Repeater outputs
145.500 - 145.590SAREX/ARISS links
145.590 - 145.790Digital
145.800 - 146.000Amateur Satellite Service, ARISS
146.010 - 146.370Repeater inputs
146.400 - 146.580FM simplex
146.520National FM calling
146.610 - 147.390Repeater outputs
147.420 - 147.570FM simplex
147.435 - 147.585Digital
147.600 - 147.990Repeater inputs

Repeaters have an offset of .6 MHz up/down depending on frequency.

135 Centimeters (220 MHz - 222 MHz)

1.35 Meter Band Plan

200.000 - 221.000High data rate digital
220.550 - 220.950Duplexed TO 430.05 430.45 MHz
221.010 - 221.090PACKET
221.100 - 221.950Digital
222.000 - 222.300CW, SSB
222.000 - 222.050EME
222.050 - 222.100CW
222.100National CW calling frequency
222.100 - 222.275SSB
222.200National SSB calling frequency
222.275 - 222.300Propagation beacons
222.310 - 223.370Repeater inputs
223.390 - 223.490High speed data
223.490 - 223.590FM voice simplex
223.590 - 223.890Data
223.592 - 223.690High speed data
223.685 - 223.805Narrow band packet
223.790 - 223.890High speed data
223.910 - 225.000Repeater outputs

Repeaters have an offset of -1.6 MHz.

70 Centimeters (430 MHz - 450 MHz)

Radiolocation is primary on this band. Amateurs are secondary.

Frequency Designation
430.025 - 431.500Digital Modes
431.500 - 433.000CW, SSB, MOONBOUNCE (Global Allocation), Amplitude Modulation narrowband modes
432.000Centre frequency for EME, globally coordinated frequency allocations exist above and below 432.0 MHz
432.100 - NationalCW calling frequency
432.200 - NationalSSB calling frequency
432.300 - 432.400Propagation beacon network exclusive
432.400 - 433.000Experimental narrow bandwidth modes
433.000 - 434.800Digital modes
434.800 - 434.900Analog repeater links
434.900 - 435.000Guard band
435.000 - 438.000Amateur Satellites (Global Secondary Allocation) Remote Sensing Satellite Radar secondary
438.000 - 444.000ATV
439.250Video arrier frequency
442.000 - 445.000Repeater outputs
444.000Spread Spectrum
445.000 - 445.775Analog and digital links
445.800 - 445.975Digital
446.000 - 446.175FM simplex
446.000National FM calling frequency
446.200 - 446.375FM remote base (uncoordinated)
446.400 - 446.775Analog and digital link
446.800 - 446.975Digital modes
447.000 - 450.000Repeater inputs

Repeaters have an offset of +5.0 MHz.

canada_band_plans.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/27 14:11 (external edit)