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IRLP stands for the Internet Radio Linking Project and started in 1997 specifically to link repeaters across Canada. The first attempt failed and was shut down a year later. It was later revised to address the issues that plagued it.

The software operates on a Linux operating system. It utilizes special hardware and software to create high-quality audio through the links.

The aim of IRLP is to reliably and inexpensively link amateur radio systems without the use of RF links, leased lines, or satellites. IRLP operates a worldwide network of dedicated servers and nodes offering very stable worldwide voice communications between hundreds of towns and cities.

IRLP on RepeaterBook

IRLP nodes are listed in RepeaterBook by their 4-digit node number. When viewing the details page associated with a repeater hosting an IRLP node, the status of the node is scraped in real-time from status.irlp.net.

irlp.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/27 14:11 (external edit)