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honey pot Milton, Florida, 444.725, KD4FZB Repeater

Milton, FL

Repeater ID: 12-17356

Downlink: 444.72500
Uplink: 449.72500
Offset: +5.0 MHz
Uplink Tone: 100.0
Downlink Tone: CSQ
County: Santa Rosa
Call: KD4FZB
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Affiliate: SARNet system
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth: 25.0 kHz
Links: Full-time to the SARnet System.
Coordination: FASMA

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Call Date Details
KG4Y (registered) 2023-06-23 Changed call and added coordination info FASMA

Category Definitions
"An output-only SARnet node?"
Posted by: KG4Y (member) on 2023-07-25.

I am a recent transplant to Northwest Florida (spring 2023). I hear this machine often while I am out in my truck (typically on weekends), scanning most of the 2 meter and 70 centimeter repeater frequencies found on RepeaterBook for Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Escambia, Walton, and Bay Counties. I hear SARnet on this repeater as well as on the 444.900 MHz repeater in Crestview. By far, the most activity I hear comes from the repeaters connecting SARnet. This repeater does a fair to excellent job over a significant amount area where I find myself mobiling. On the other hand, I have noticed a couple of things that I hoped to address to the appropriate persons associated with this repeater. First, it does not seem like traffic coming into the repeater is making it out to SARnet. That might be on purpose, but I hope to learn if that is intended behavior. Second, this repeater does not seem to be identifying itself independently from the occasional SARnet audio stream identifying itself. Unfortunately, I have yet to find any contact information (other than snail mail) to reach out to the person that holds the call sign under which this repeater is coordinated in FASMA to point out my discovery. I am considering sending snail mail to express my gratitude for the machine being on the air and offer myself as a resource to help solve issues if such would be needed and wanted.

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