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honey pot Beckley, WV Turnpike exit 60, West Virginia, 145.23, N8FWL Repeater

WV Turnpike exit 60 - N8FWL

Beckley, WV
Repeater ID: 54-30

Downlink: 145.23000
Uplink: 144.63000
Offset: -0.600 MHz
Uplink Tone: 100.0
Downlink Tone: 100.0
County: Raleigh
Grid: EM97iw
Call: N8FWL
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: Wide Area Coverage:
Wide area coverage.
70 mi radius.
Sponsor: N8FWL
Affiliate: Appalachian Repeater Association
Features: Linked.
E-power equipped.
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth: 25.0 kHz
Links: Full-time to the Appalachian Repeater Association System.

Open Street Map

Exact coordinates of the repeater are known.
Coverage circle does not account for propagation anomalies or terrain.

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Call Date Details
KC8AFH 2023-05-30 Updated Call Sign, Changed Custodian to N8WFL, updated coverage radius, added ARA affiliation and web link, updated tones and location details. Removed notes.
KC4JGC (registered) 2023-04-16 KC4JGC has requested the following changes: TSQ deleted. The landmark changed to Paint Mountain. Callsign changed from N8FWL to W8ARA. The requester wants you to know: "Recently, this repeater has new ID as W8ARA. CTCSS 100.0hz in/out. I haven't been able to learn if N8FWL is still sponsor/owner or if someone else yet."
RB: SERA Listing (as of 24 April 2023): KX8T 145.2300 -0.6 MHz 103.5 Wideband FM Belington Barbour.

RB: Current custodians for N8FWL 145.23000 Lick Knob repeater (54-30): KX8T.

WV8B -- Gary W. Holt -- Trustee must first obtain a account before being added as a custodian. Please ask the WV8B to register for an account.
KC4JGC (registered) 2023-02-25 Updated CTCSS tone and location details
KC4JGC (registered) 2023-01-09 Propagation Report Added
KC4JGC (registered) 2023-01-07 Propagation Report Added
KC4JGC (registered) 2023-01-07 Noted that P25 is not a current capability on this repeater.
KR8N (registered) 2022-11-23 Reported off-air.

Category Definitions
"QRV but FM only CTCSS 100.0 hz"
Posted by: KC4JGC (member) on 2023-01-07.

I was made aware of this repeater 12/28/2022 while passing through by KR8N. Advised NO P-25. I've been able to access this repeater between Sandstone Mountain and Hurricane WV.

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Created and owned by KD6KPC/WREQ745 since 2006.
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