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WIRES (Wide-coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System) is an Internet communication system. For WIRES-X, an amateur node station connecting to the Internet is used as the access point and connects the wireless communication to the Internet.

WIRES-X supports the C4FM digital which enables high sound quality. WIRES-X automatically connects to nodes and rooms. There is need to verify connection IDs or transmit DTMF connection codes utilized on EchoLink and IRLP. Information about nodes and rooms is exchanged via C4FM Digital signaling. With automatic reconnection to the previous contact, all you need to do is press PTT and start talking. Easily search for new nodes and rooms and initiate communication promptly when you find an ID that captures you are interested in.

News bulletins (messages, images, voice memos) can be uploaded to nodes and rooms. Other users can download the saved news information. For example, sharing traffic information or other local news, or sending a snapshot of a meeting place to fellow operators.

WIRES-X also supports traditional analog FM users. Not only can analog FM stations have a QSO with each other, but WIRES-X also permits C4FM Digital stations to communicate with analog FM stations.

WIRES on RepeaterBook

Repeaters equipped with WIRES-X or WIRES II can be noted on Repeaterbook by entering the node number. While WIRES does operate an active node list, it does not provide data as to the status of any connections the node may currently be in. No additional data beyond the listing of the actual node ID number is posted on RepeaterBook.

wires.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/27 14:11 (external edit)