(1 of 3) At 229 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located 8 miles northeast of Manistique, moving southeast at 40 mph. HAZARD...Ping pong ball size hail and 60 mph wind gusts. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...People and animals outdoors will be injured. Expect hail damage to roofs, siding, windows, and vehicles. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. Locations impacted include... M-94 between Steuben and Manistique, Seul Choix Point, and Gulliver. (2 of 3) At 229 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Newberry, moving east at 30 mph. HAZARD...Half dollar size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Damage to vehicles is expected. Locations impacted include... Newberry, Four Mile Corner, and Soo Junction. (3 of 3) SVRAPX The National Weather Service in Gaylord has issued a * Severe Thunderstorm Warning for... Northwestern Mackinac County in eastern Michigan... * Until 300 PM EDT. * At 218 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located near Manistique Lake, or 17 miles west of Newberry, moving southeast at 35 mph. HAZARD...60 mph wind gusts and quarter size hail. SOURCE...Radar indicated. IMPACT...Hail damage to vehicles is expected. Expect wind damage to roofs, siding, and trees. * This severe thunderstorm will be near... Curtis and Manistique Lake around 225 PM EDT. Gould City around 230 PM EDT. Corinne and Engadine around 235 PM EDT. Naubinway around 240 PM EDT.
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honey pot Kent City, Michigan, 442.2125, KD8RXD Repeater

Kent City, MI

Repeater ID: 26-11393

Downlink: 442.21250
Uplink: 447.21250
Offset: +5.000 MHz
DMR Enabled
Color Code: 1
DMR ID: radio id dot net antenna logo 312625
IPSC Network: DMR-Mi5 - Color Code: 1 - TS Linked: TS1 TS2 - Trustee: radio id dot net antenna logo W8MW
Primary Talkgroups
Time Slot #2- TG 52 = MI5-STATEW2
Time Slot #1- TG 3 = DMR-MARCNA
Time Slot #1- TG 1 = DMR-MARCWW

Secondary Talkgroups
Time Slot #1- TG 51 = MI5-STATEW1
Time Slot #1- TG 53 = MI5-EVENT1
Time Slot #2- TG 54 = MI5-EVENT2
Time Slot #1- TG 55 = MI5-EVENT3
Time Slot #2- TG 56 = MI5-EVENT4

You Must Have [ARS] Disabled Within Your Radio

Contact: Mark, KB8ZGL
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://w8cmn.net/dmr/mi5
*Information courtesy of radioid.net. Repeater trustees can directly update this data through their website.
County: Kent
Call: KD8RXD
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Sponsor: KD8RXD
Affiliate: Mi5 / Central Michigan Emergency Network
Links: Full-time to the Mi5/CMEN DMR System.
Notes: c-Bridge partner with DMR-MARC
Coordination: MiARC

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- DMR Talk groups are updated directly on radioid.net or BrandMeister.network.
- The IPSC Network is obtained from the radioid.net API. If this information is not correct, please update it at radioid.net.
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