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honey pot Drummondville, Quebec, 146.625, VE2RDL Repeater

Drummondville, QC

Repeater ID: CA10-201

Downlink: 146.62500
Uplink: 146.02500
Offset: -0.600 MHz
Uplink Tone: 110.9
Downlink Tone: 110.9
YSF Digital Enabled
DG-ID: 00 - Open
WIRES-X: 03283
Call: VE2RDL
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: Estimated Area Coverage: Major Travel Routes (6): QC-A20, QC-A55, QC-122, QC-139, QC-143, QC-255.
80 km radius.
Pattern: Omnidirectional
Features: Emergency Power: Powered by regular grid connection and via emergency generator.
E-power equipped - Generator
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth: 12.5 kHz
Commands: This repeater is coordinated by: Fédération des clubs radioamateurs du Québec (RAQI): Federation of Radio Clubs of Quebec Comité de Coordination de Fréquence du Québec (CCFQ): Quebec Frequency Coordinating Committee RAQI:
Notes: CCFQ/RAQI Listing (as of 09 December 2023):
Ref Num Indicative Holder Person in Charge Frequency CTCSS Uses Region Location
101 VE2RDL VE2CRD VE2CRD 146.6250- 110.9 Hz FM 17 Drummondville

RB: Current Repeater Record Custodian (RRC) for VE2RDL 146.62500 Drummondville repeater (CA10-201): VA2PJT.

VE2OWL -- Stephane Burgoyne --Trustee must first obtain a account before being added as an RRC. Please ask VE2OWL to register for an RB account so that he (or others of his choosing) can be assigned as RRCs considering future club developments and turnover.
Nets: Dimanche 20h30: Sundays 20:30 (8:30 PM) Eastern Time Zone. Mardi 19h00: Tuesdays 19:00 (7:00 PM) Eastern Tiem Zone.

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Coordinates of the repeater are not known and have been estimated.

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Call Date Details
VA2PJT (registered) 2024-05-09 Added WIRES-X node.
VA2PJT (registered) 2024-02-17 Emergency power Generator Fusion
VA2PJT (registered) 2023-12-09 Fixed typo.
VA2PJT (registered) 2023-12-05 VA2PJT has requested the following changes: The landmark changed to Entre Montréal et Québec sur autoroute 20. Yaesu System Fusion changed. Email updated. Nets changed. RB Notes Updated:
VA2PJT (registered) 2023-01-05 Radius
VA2PJT (registered) 2023-01-04 radius, route

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