(1 of 2) ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Rhode Island...Connecticut... Pawtuxet River At Cranston affecting Kent and Providence Counties. Pawcatuck River At Westerly affecting Washington and New London Counties. ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Rhode Island... Pawcatuck River At Wood River Junction affecting Washington County. For the Pawtuxet River...including Scituate Reservoir, Cranston... Minor flooding is forecast. For the Pawcatuck River...including Wood River Junction, Westerly... Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Pawtuxet River at Cranston. * WHEN...Until early tomorrow afternoon. * IMPACTS...At 9.5 feet, Parking lots and roads are flooded in low lying areas of Warwick and Cranston near the Pawtuxet River. Impacted roads include River Street, Pioneer Avenue, Bellows Street and Venturi Avenue in Warwick. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:45 PM EDT Friday the stage was 9.4 feet. - Bankfull stage is 9.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 9:45 PM EDT Friday was 10.1 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage tomorrow morning and continue falling to 7.0 feet Monday evening. - Flood stage is 9.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood (2 of 2) ...The Flood Warning continues for the following rivers in Rhode Island...Connecticut... Pawtuxet River At Cranston affecting Kent and Providence Counties. Pawcatuck River At Westerly affecting Washington and New London Counties. ...The Flood Warning is extended for the following rivers in Rhode Island... Pawcatuck River At Wood River Junction affecting Washington County. For the Pawtuxet River...including Scituate Reservoir, Cranston... Minor flooding is forecast. For the Pawcatuck River...including Wood River Junction, Westerly... Minor flooding is forecast. * WHAT...Minor flooding is occurring and minor flooding is forecast. * WHERE...Pawcatuck River at Wood River Junction. * WHEN...Until early Sunday morning. * IMPACTS...At 5.0 feet, Floodwaters begin to spread onto Driftwood Drive in Charlestown. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS... - At 9:45 PM EDT Friday the stage was 5.4 feet. - Bankfull stage is 5.0 feet. - Recent Activity...The maximum river stage in the 24 hours ending at 9:45 PM EDT Friday was 5.4 feet. - Forecast...The river is expected to fall below flood stage tomorrow evening and continue falling to 4.5 feet Monday evening. - Flood stage is 5.0 feet. - http://www.weather.gov/safety/flood
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honey pot Westerly, Rhode Island, 449.675, N1LMA Repeater

Westerly, RI

Repeater ID: 44-10421

Downlink: 449.67500
Uplink: 444.67500
Offset: -5.000 MHz
Uplink Tone: 127.3
Downlink Tone: 127.3
County: Washington
Call: N1LMA
Op Status: ON-AIR On-Air
Coverage: Estimated Area Coverage:
13 mi radius.
Pattern: Omnidirectional
FM: Yes; analog capable.
Analog Bandwidth: 25.0 kHz
Links: Full-time to 224.98000 (N1LMA) at Westerly, RI.
Full-time to the CRS Net System.
Notes: NERD Listing (as of 11 July 2023): 449.675 - RI Westerly N1LMA 127.3 127.3 Washington CRS Net 2018/08/16.

RB: Current Repeater Record Custodian (RRC) for N1LMA 449.67500 Westerly repeater (44-10421): N1LMA.
Coordination: NESMC

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